Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When God Seems Distant

Maybe it's just me, but I have moments when God seems so far away. Cue Bette Midler: "God is watching us...from a distance." It's like going back to my childhood when I thought that heaven was right above the clouds and that's where the beautiful rays of sunshine came from that spread downward toward earth. God was up there, close enough to intervene when necessary but far enough away that humans were free to make our own choices in the meantime.

This feeling of distance often prompts me to examine my conscience to make sure that there's not a sin issue involved. Sometimes there's a specific sin that's creating blockage.

But just as with human relationships, the level of felt closeness can vary. I've found it essential in these moments to reflect on the times when I have profoundly felt God's presence or seen His direct hand in my life. These memories are vital to preserve -- they are touchstones for our darkest moments, or even just for blah ones.

In Deuteronomy 6, Moses exhorts the Israelites not only to follow the new commandments they have been given and teach them to their children and grandchildren but to never forget how they were brought out of slavery by God when they are in the Promised Land: " yourself, that you do not forget the LORD who brought you from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." (Deut. 6:12) It's essential that we find ways to remind ourselves of the love God has for us and the ways He has intimately interacted with us. In addition, evidence of His care is all around if we only look in a new way.

One final reminder of an important truth: God doesn't change. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. My sense of closeness to Him likely has more to do with me than Him. Also, it never hurts to pray specifically for a greater sense of His presence. That is probably a prayer He loves hearing!

1 comment:

  1. Your reminder to "remember" was helpful for me today.
